TYPO3 going to apply for Google Summer of Code 2009

Categories: Development Created by Ingo Renner
Once again we are happy to announce that TYPO3 is going to apply for Google Summer of Code 2009. Although our application last year was not successful we're not going  to resign and try it again. Although we got some ideas left over from last year's application we're are also looking for more ideas students can work on. We're especially looking for ideas coming from our community or even better coming directly from students who want to take part in Google Summer of Code with TYPO3. To send us your ideas please use the form provided at the <link http: typo3.org development gsoc2009 ideas>ideas page. Please try to provide us with as many details as possible, see the <link http: typo3.org development gsoc2009 ideas idea-template>idea template for what information we would welcome.