Sponsored bug fixes at T3BOARD10

Categories: Community Created by Oliver Hader
During this year's TYPO3 Snowboard Tour in Laax (Switzerland) the third episode of the bug auction was held in which people had the possibility to bid for their favourite bugs to be solved.
Eleven bugs out of both TYPO3 development branches (v4 & v5) got under the hammer. The attending developers had the task to analyse and solve them right after the auction on the same evening. The event - held by the two fabulous Danish auctioneers - was combined with a moustache competition, that was won by Claudio Cathomen who stood up to four competitors.

One of the benefits of bidding high was to be named in this very news article - so here is a list of the companies sponsoring the bugs as well as the bugs which were fixed:

Sponsor Drinks Issue
<link http: www.hdnet.de>HDNET 130 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>12904 Misbehaviour in excluding speaking URL segments in RealURL
<link http: www.mehrwert.de>mehrwert.de 175 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>13283 Thumbnail generation of PDFs processes all pages
<link http: www.typo3cluster.com>TYPO3cluster 200 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>13665 Problems with menu item states on invisible subpage
<link http: www.aoemedia.de>AOE media 150 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>1104 Form fields handling files cannot be defined to be mandatory
<link http: www.wildside.dk>wildside 150 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>12869 Fatal error in class loading with PHP 5.3.1
<link http: jweiland.net>jweiland.net 200 <link http: forge.typo3.org issues show>FORGE-5638 Add possibility to deselect checkboxes generated with Extbase/Fluid
<link http: www.dkd.de>d.k.d Internet Service GmbH 125 <link http: bugs.typo3.org>13753 Category menu in nested wraps mode is broken in tt_news
<link http: www.hdnet.de>HDNET 150 <link http: forge.typo3.org issues show>FORGE-6118 Integer arguments are not validated automatically in FLOW3
<link http: www.netcreators.com>netcreators 150 <link http: forge.typo3.org issues show>FORGE-6681 Make the PHP CLI configurable in FLOW3
<link http: www.abezet.de>A.BE.ZET 140 <link http: forge.typo3.org issues show>FORGE-7017 Implement prototype of in-place editor for TYPO3 v5
<link http: www.mocsystems.dk>MOC Systems 175 <link http: forge.typo3.org issues show>FORGE-7016 Fix the action menu in combination with frontend editing in TYPO3 v5
<link http: www.aoemedia.de>AOE media 20 donation Redeem the winner of the moustache competition from the accordant moustache
<link http: typo3.bgm-gmbh.de>bgm business group munich 16 donation Donation to the TYPO3 Core Team

Thanks to all of you! By the way, the currency of bids was "drinks at the bar", which had a fixed exchange rate of one drink equaling 5 Swiss Francs and could be spent on the bar at the same night and the one after. The total amount of 1781 drinks was split into one part for drinks on the bar and the other part is going to be used for core development in general (including a diner for the core team at the next team meeting previous to the Developer Days).
8 out of the total 11 bugs were resolved later the same night (most of them were no-brainers), one committed about a week later, and another two are still pending in the core list (but we promise to get them fixed until the T3DD10 in July 2010).

Special thanks go to Dan Jensen and Mikael Conley - both moderated the show as Auction Masters. More thanks go to the developers Patrick Broens, Karsten Dambekalns, Niels Dehl, Rupert Germann, Andy Grunwald, Oliver Hader, Sebastian Kurfürst, Tobias Liebig, Susanne Moog, Peter Niederlag, Jochen Rau, Ingmar Schlecht, Michael Stucki and to all other developers giving a helping hand. Additionally, we would also like to thank <link http: www.newmedia.ch>Newmedia and <link http: www.snowflake.ch>snowflake who generously sponsored our gondola (CHF 800) for getting up from Laax on Wednesday night. Thank you!