
WEC Discussion Forum WEC Discussion Forum

wec_discussion / stable

Create a discussion forum, a blog, or add comments to a page. Many options to configure and customize. Supports RSS feed, archive view, spam protection, and preview/teaser of posts.

Last upload comment

Security fix. Please update!

Downloads by month

Download 2.1.2 Extension Manual
Web-Empowered Church Team
Christian Technology Ministries International Inc.
Last update
06. Feb 2013
First upload
03. Nov 2005
Frontend Plugins


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.1.2 / stable
February 06, 2013
Security fix. Please update!
2.1.1 / stable
April 07, 2011
Security fix. Please update! See TYPO3-SA-2011-003. /mkr
not available
due to vulnerabilities
2.1.0 / stable
March 03, 2011
Works with caching framework. RSS feed fixed. Added IP Address display in reply form and list view. Fixed subscribe/unsubscribe if multiple plugins on page.Updated locallang files with umlauts(DE) for utf-8 format.
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due to vulnerabilities
2.0.4 / stable
October 01, 2010
fixed absRefPrefix; fixed author receive replies issue; fixed RTE width/height in constants (to get around bug in 4.4); added German tr. (thx Robert M); updated Spanish tr.; printing works better CSS change.; fixed links in documentation
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due to vulnerabilities
2.0.3 / stable
August 02, 2010
Can choose admin based on usergroup. Added ###SHOW_NOBAR### in template if you do not have actionbar or sidebar. Can choose None for Entry Look so no CSS file is loaded. Alert for moderator link. Save posts in right language. Fixed some CSS issues.

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2.0.2 / stable
April 12, 2010
fixed upload images; fixed image height/width; fixed RSS feed issue; other minor fixes.
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due to vulnerabilities
2.0.1 / stable
April 07, 2010
added 'captcha' plugin support. added sortComments option. Allow RSS (xml.rss.link) to have link to URL (i.e. work with FeedBurner, etc.). Added categories in archive view. Fixed delete posts with comments, template issue, and edit post with image.
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due to vulnerabilities
2.0.0 / stable
March 15, 2010
Brand new templates and CSS. Supports three different looks to display a post for new templates – can be set in the Flexform. Removed all colors and most widths and fonts from TS constants and put in CSS file. Added “More...” link option so
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due to vulnerabilities
1.9.0 / stable
January 19, 2010
Posts and comments are now searchable by indexed_search. Can add a “report abuse” button for community to self-monitor discussions. Author of a post can receive emails of anyone replying to their post (optional). You can more easily embed HTML/Flash in
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1.8.2 / stable
October 09, 2009
Fixed problem with closing </div> in some cases where posts had comments.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.8.1 / stable
October 07, 2009
Added Spanish and Swedish translations. Changed URL handling so more robust and fixes some issues. Fixed email settings if using different charset (i.e., UTF-8). Subscriber header text in Flexform is cleared and now uses locallang 'subscribeform_header' a
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due to vulnerabilities
1.8.0 / stable
June 19, 2009
FIXED: RSS feed working with IE & Feedburner, ending out emails, login for comments, keeping surname (namePrefill constant), monthly display, no-RTE osting, working with subdirectory installs again. Added IP address for admin/moderate emails. Updated Ger
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due to vulnerabilities
1.7.2 / stable
January 30, 2009
Fixed URL bug with certain configurations. Fixed stripos problem with PHP 4. Minor CSS updates. Minor bug fixes and code updates.
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1.7.1 / stable
December 21, 2008
Security fix, please update. Also fixed locallang error with templavoila.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.7.0 / stable
December 04, 2008
Multi-language for posts & categories(must Update!), better XSS handling (no more <x> in posts), can send only posts to subscribers, admin can delete posts + all comments, can exclude from moderation, starttime/endtime supported in BE and FE, locallang fi
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due to vulnerabilities
1.6.3 / stable
July 01, 2008
IMportant security fixes for input forms – please update! See security bulletin TYPO3-20080701-4 Attached files &
image files now follow denyFilePatterns, RSS feed includes charset, new
category works if required field, and fixed More... problem.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.6.2 / stable
May 22, 2008
Can turn off “preview before post” or single view in Flexform, ssl/https supported, fix for &#8232;HTML/RTE encoding, fix for preview cropping, fix for mailing, added customized BE labels, &#8232;fix RSS feed (only there when included), added singl
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due to vulnerabilities
1.6.1 / stable
April 17, 2008
Add comments/reply works like most blog systems. Allow preview before post. Can create categories. Improved send email formatting. Several RTE/reply fixes. Fixed more tag handling. Fixed spam link checking. Cannot move replies from 1.6.0 (RTE did not su
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due to vulnerabilities
1.6.0 / stable
April 03, 2008
Redid Flexform(must save & redo values). Added Static Templates now (must add to +ext template to work). Added Front-end RTE as option. Added pagination. Reply Form can now move to current post/comment. Keeps open comments if reply. Preview has more optio
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due to vulnerabilities
1.5.3 / stable
October 08, 2007
FIXED: permissions for posting, restricted by usergroup error, better spam handling, post/comment bug, slowdowns on edit/add/delete, some cleanup. ADDED: Chinese language translation (thanks Rocky), updated German translation (thanks Harald)
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due to vulnerabilities
1.5.2 / stable
September 08, 2007
UPDATED: changed templates so no inline CSS and more XHTML compliant. BUGFIX: usergroup detection improved, message length with “more” fixed, text handling better supports HTML and RTE encoded text, and various minor issues.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.5.1 / stable
July 04, 2007
BUGFIX: message length, fixed RSS feeds with RTE content. ADDED: can now have link to single view in listing. Added title to archive/category listing. Archive shows selected & can put 'subscribe to feed' at bottom. UPDATED: template & CSS. Made XHTML comp
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due to vulnerabilities
1.5.0 / stable
June 15, 2007
Added Archive view and fixed archive bugs. Updated template including setting for width. Can restrict posts by usergroup. Records can now be hidden. Added converter from TIMTAB to wec_discussion format. Added generic hide/show toggle for messages. Added F
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due to vulnerabilities
1.4.1 / stable
May 03, 2007
Fixed subscribe feature -- now sends out emails correctly. Added title to RSS so "Subscribe to <TITLE>". Fixed preview back pid bug. Enhanced character length (More...) so respects div and p tags. Added 'name' to filter.

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due to vulnerabilities
1.4.0 / stable
April 20, 2007
Added RSS feed capability. Added single view of message (with comments) for search and preview. Archive link shows whole month. Can set length to display of posts (adds "more..." if too long). Can spam protect just comments (i.e. for blog). Updated templa
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.2 / stable
March 03, 2007
Fixed bugs in archive display & handling. Fixed bug in spam control / filter.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.3.1 / stable
February 24, 2007
Fixed bug with category display and selecting. Fixed bug under certain configs with ReplyForm url.
Fixed editing message with image bug. Added Spanish translation (thanks Diego L!). Put spam words in constants. Fixed several minor bugs.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.3.0 / stable
January 31, 2007
Revised Flexform (have to set options again on upgrade – save your options if customized). Added Spam Control options like image and text captcha, and HTML & link control. Added search capability. Made dates use strftime instead of date() so can localiz
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due to vulnerabilities
1.2.3 / beta
October 02, 2006
fixed minor bug in last update.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.2.2 / beta
September 27, 2006
Fixed preview so does not show moderated. Fixed bug with dropdown so showcat is appended correctly. Also extension was accidentally set to 'shy' - now it is outgoing!
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due to vulnerabilities
1.2.1 / beta
June 23, 2006
Fixed problem with previews so now they respect Display Amount (Weekly/Last 7 Days/Last 10/etc). Fixed bug with toggle comments -- now added separate option for that. Changed all locallang double quotes to single.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.2.0 / beta
May 18, 2006
Made template XHTML compliant. Made so Post Message button can be turned off (i.e., if Blog and not a user). Added German translation (thanks Franz) and Finnish translation (thanks Katja). Fixed problems with two htmlspecialchars on post. Fixed issues wi
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.1 / beta
March 24, 2006
Made XHTML compliant.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.1.0 / beta
March 15, 2006
Fixed security issues with Postvars and SQL. Added startingPoint option for Flexform so can specify storage page. Allow so can add as plugin type for pageContent “new content element”.
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due to vulnerabilities
1.0.1 / beta
February 03, 2006
Fixed problem with show comments and not needing a subject. Also added a notify_email in Flexform so can receive an email everytime a new post or reply is added to forum.
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1.0.0 / beta
January 27, 2006
Removed tx_wecdiscussion_user table and code – not used. Fixed problem if have a discussion and a preview of a discussion on same page (esp. when used in conjunction with WEC_Devo). Redid template and CSS so better fits in most templates. Fixed process m
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.9.2 / beta
January 19, 2006
Added Dutch translation (thanks Onno S!).
Refined language file and template.
Added date formatting option in language file. Updated doco file – especially Template File table
not available
due to vulnerabilities
0.9.1 / beta
November 12, 2005
Fixed security issue with forms, delete bug, and minor template issues.
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due to vulnerabilities
0.9.0 / beta
November 03, 2005
New version -- in beta.
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due to vulnerabilities