
Secure Downloads Secure Downloads

naw_securedl / obsolete

Obsolete: please use secure_downloads instead.

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Last upload comment

Mark extension as obsolete.

Downloads by month

Download 1.8.3 Extension Manual
Dietrich Heise, Helmut Hummel
<a href="http://www.bitmotion.de" target="_blank">bitmotion.de</a>
Last update
21. Jul 2016
First upload
22. May 2006
  • TYPO3
  • PHP (5.3.0 - 5.5.99)
  • TYPO3 (4.5.0 - 6.2.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Other extensions by this user (22)

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
1.8.3 / obsolete
July 21, 2016
Mark extension as obsolete.
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.8.2 / stable
March 05, 2015

4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.8.1 / stable
April 04, 2014
Release that works with TYPO3 6.2 LTS
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.8.0 / stable
December 03, 2013
[RELEASE] Version 1.8.0
Namespaces, Stucture, PSR-0, ...
4.5.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.7.2 / stable
August 20, 2013
[BUGFIX] for TYPO3 version lower than 6.0 with the showpic feature (click enlarge for pictures).
4.5.0 - 6.1.99 Download
1.7.1 / stable
July 25, 2013
First Version with TYPO3 6.x Support.
Change the default order of GET params in the settings, so &file=/path/example.jpg is the last part of the url, because some javascript functions check for the file extension (e.g. jQuery Colorbox)
4.5.0 - 6.1.99 Download
1.6.1 / stable
June 14, 2013
New version 1.6.1

Added Feature: Group access check. (Thx to punkt.de)

You can activate this feature in extension configuration. Be sure to then adapt the linkFormat to include fe groups!
4.5.0 - 4.7.99 Download
1.5.1 / stable
October 12, 2011
Add support for HTML5 Tag source src"" (Thanks to Achim Schmeer for sponsoring this).
Add config option to disable content parsing (Thanks to Benjamin Mack).
4.2.13 - 4.5.99 Download
1.5.0 / stable
March 14, 2011
Many cleanups
Minor buxfixes
Added feature "additional mime types"
Added feature "nice uris"
1.4.3 / stable
November 10, 2010
use t3lib_div::hmac instead of php native function to make use of a fallback if hash_hmac is not present

Fix XCLASS inclusion in class.tx_nawsecuredl_output.php
1.4.2 / stable
June 11, 2010
Fix urlencode regression bug introduced in 1.4.1 (Thanks to Felix Nagel)
1.4.1 / stable
April 30, 2010
New version depends on TYPO3 4.2 or greater and PHP 5.2
This version fixes the denpendencies in ex_emconf.php accordingly
No other functional changes
1.4.0 / stable
April 30, 2010
Several new features, including new backend module to view log entries, additional output functions in case readfile() causes problems and many more.
See changelog for a detailed list of changes
0.2.12 / stable
May 29, 2009
Bugfix: the code for the hook fixed
0.2.11 / stable
February 27, 2009
* sends a HTTP 403 error code, if "Access denied"
* you can set forcedownload for specified filetypes, that should not be opend in a browser (e.g. pdf,doc,...)
0.2.8 / stable
September 26, 2008
changed mime type for .pps-files.
added mime type for .doc and .xls files.
0.2.6 / stable
March 17, 2008
Added the missing "res" folder.
0.2.5 / stable
October 25, 2007
fixed the problem with the secured files in the backend.
0.2.2 / stable
June 20, 2007
* enabled a new logging feature
* fixed an unescaped Ampersand (&) in the secured filelink
0.2.1 / stable
June 15, 2007
PHP5 bugfix,
timestamp bugfix,
use of the eID parameter.
0.1.3 / stable
January 23, 2007
fixed a problem with getimagesize and very big files
0.1.2 / stable
August 15, 2006
type: "video/x-flv", "application/x-shockwave-flash" and "image/svg+xml" added.
0.1.1 / stable
August 07, 2006
- PHP5 now supported
- now are whitespaces in secured files are supported
0.1.0 / stable
May 22, 2006
First public upload