
CMD Source Include CMD Source Include

cmd_srcinc / stable

This extension collect internal/external source file and include them internaly to typo3. This help to improve score of YSlow or GTMetrix, but help too to not depend on lower server/connexion to other server using TYPO3 cache

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3


#cmonard #source #include #merge #css #js

Last upload comment

Code refactor for the TYPO3 V6.
Not compatible with older version < 6.0.0

Downloads by month

Download 6.0.0 Extension Manual Code Insights
Christophe Monard
Last update
22. Mar 2014
First upload
15. Sep 2010
  • TYPO3 (6.0.0 - 6.2.99)
  • PHP (5.3.3 - 5.4.99)
  • cmd_api (>= 6.0.0)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
6.0.0 / stable
March 22, 2014
Code refactor for the TYPO3 V6.
Not compatible with older version < 6.0.0
6.0.0 - 6.2.99 Download
0.2.1 / stable
June 04, 2013
Sonar test corrections

4.3.0 - 4.7.99 Download
0.2.0 / stable
March 20, 2013
small corrections
code cleaning
added possibility to declare static (or CDN) domain for image ressource, just declare config.staticDomain

0.1.2 / stable
February 08, 2011
TYPO3 version dependancy change
0.1.1 / stable
January 25, 2011
Change default lifetime to 7 days
0.1.0 / stable
September 15, 2010
First Release